Sunday, March 9, 2008

Board and silk

Yesterday morning I found an unexpected discovery at a Spring-like garage sale.

Old refined objects made with board and silk.
An old box, which has acquired a patina with age, is still having its delicate colour inside: weaved silk with flowers.
An egg made with board wrapped with printed silk (little mauve flowers).

Precious little objects and souvenirs were kept inside.
Those old boxes with faded colours would keep their secrets.

Translated by Isabelle

3 commentaires:

Sött och sunt said...

how lovely pictures you show!! I love all of them and if its ok I ad you to my bloglist.

Philippe Rissetto said...

@ Sött och sunt : Merci de votre visite ainsi que pour vos compliments qui me touchent beaucoup.
Je suis très heureuse et très flattée de votre lien vers mon Cœur en provence.
A bientôt.

Catherine said...

Beautiful little objects~Indeed! Such beautiful images you always show! :) I have an award for you in honor of your excellent blog! So come by when you have time!
Have a wonderful week!



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