Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Miraculous Catch

Bathroom of the Provençal guest house Un Coeur très Nature Decoration with metal chocolate molds in guest house Un Coeur très Nature

Found in the Spring, this batch of metal chocolate molds was for me a miraculous catch.
They stayed for awhile on the patio.
Then, with the completion of the bathroom in the Suite "Memories", I had the idea to improvise with my trophy by hanging the molds with string to a simple piece of painted wood equipped with hooks.

Detail of decoration in a bathroom of the Provençal guest house Un Coeur très Nature Decoration with metal chocolate mold in guest house Un Coeur très Nature

The following articles also reveal our Suite "Memories":

Original article "La pêche miraculeuse" translated by Annie of The Bunny Bungalow

2 commentaires:

Roberta said...

Lovely catch and so beautifully and simply displayed! Joyous Holidays to you. xoRoberta

Candylei said...

Love the soft color of you bathroom and your molds! They are charming and beautiful.



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