Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Basket of Vitamins

A former oval wicker basket, much loved by the Japanese

No sooner retrieved, no sooner used!
A former oval wicker basket, much loved by the Japanese.

A former oval wicker basket filled with fresh leaks and asparagus

Here it is filled with fresh leaks and asparagus.
Lemons and limes, for their vitamins, are stored in a former crate for utensils.
And to celebrate the arrival of spring, dressed in a "chlorophyll" green cardigan, a second-hand apron and a pair of espadrilles. Colors that perk one up and put one in a good mood!

Original article "Panier vitaminé"

9 commentaires:

Jacqui said...

Sure does look healthy!! I love the wooden paniers. Lovely post, thank you

Anonymous said...

What a great bounty of summer vegetables! I love the crate you used to display the lemons and limes.

Happy summer. :)

Karena said...

Laeriss this puts me in the best of moods! Love the veggies, your baskets, the caddy, and your ensemble!! Perfect!

Art by Karena
Artist Series 2012

Burlap Luxe said...

The whole vignette makes you feel healthy, all so soulfully inspiring.

(Karen) Lisa Daley said...

Laeriss, those are all things I love to eat and look at, including the stone walkway - thank you for taking time to post and give us something pretty for today :>)

*Ulrike* said...

So refreshing to look at! The yellow and green always gives the summer time look.

La Petite Provence said...

wood, basket, stones, and some nive fruits and veg. What else?

Unknown said...

Vegetables Contains a lot of necessary Vitamins and vital nutrients.

Unknown said...

amazing photographs
amazing atmosphere
amazing ideas



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