The 2008 « Vivre Côté Sud » show #1
The art of living in the spirit of the south recently revealed itself in Aix-en-Provence with the 10th annual «Vivre Côté Sud» show.
What a joy to see this year’s show displays in the company of Delphine, Domie and Kristin whom I met there for the occasion.

A drinking cup, a spice canister or a salad basket... old objects that make useful lampshades for a solitary light.
A wreath of old wine corks, a coat hanger made of old beignets molds and an old washboard : very original !
It’s one of my very favorites of the year : Dédale...l'Atelier

In keeping with the theme, “recycle”: small red robins in metal from Arrosoir et Persil.

Original article "Salon Vivre Côté Sud 2008 #1" translated by Annie of The Bunny Bungalow
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